Archiving Printed
In 2010, after the Arcadia publication of Images of America. Jamaica Estates by the Aquinas Honor Society the Jamaica Estates Association requested the assistance in sorting through boxes of Jamaica Association bulletins dating back to the first issue in 1931. The students arranged all the issues in chronological order and preserved each issue in protective clear sleeves and placed them in hard cover binders. It took them many months to make this catalog of JEA bulletins possible but the results were impressive. They offer a wonderful glimpse into the history of the Jamaica Estates community, decade by decade, At one of the JEA Board Meeting a representative of the Aquinas Honor Society presented the JEA board with their finished work.

JEA members review old materials with students

Materials included old maps and documents

Students enjoying the process of organizing the history of the Jamaica Estates Association

Ring binders for each decade of bulletins
Digital Archives of Bulletins - Queens Public Library
Jamaica Estates Association Collection
Recognizing the unique historical significance contained in the decades of bulletins and other documents, the Queens Public Library undertook the momentous task of digitizing the volumns of materials involved.
We are grateful to the library and to the many hours of work contributed by JEA members including Carl Ballenas, Ed Morrill, Michael Bookbinder, Ed Toriello and others in the creation of this collection.
It provides a rich record of our civic association addressing the important issues of times past.
Below is a screenshot of the collection on the website of the Queens Public Library.
The link to the page is:*?fq[0]=sm_relation%3AJamaica+Association+Collection
2018 Bulletins

2017 Bulletins
Jamaica Estates Bulletin
January 2017
Jamaica Estates Bulletin
March 2017
Jamaica Estates Bulletin
May 2017
Jamaica Estates Bulletin
May 2017 (alternate)
Jamaica Estates Bulletin
November 2017